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    Workshop Curriculum

    Week 1

    Unveiling the World of AI & Programming Foundations (5 hours total):

    Day 1 (Saturday) (2.5 hours):

    • Introduction to AI (1 hour):
      1. What is AI? (Definition, history, and different types of AI)
      2. Real-world applications of AI (e.g., healthcare, entertainment, self-driving cars)
      3. Interactive activities: Brainstorming session on how AI is used in everyday life.
    • Programming Fundamentals (1.5 hours):
      1. Setting up the Python environment (installation and IDE)
      2. Basic syntax: variables, data types (numbers, strings, booleans), operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical)
      3. Hands-on activity: Simple Python coding exercises to practice basic syntax.

    Day 2 (Sunday) (2.5 hours):

    • Programming Fundamentals (Continued) (1.5 hours):
      1. Deepen your programming knowledge with control flow concepts (if/else statements, loops).
    • Introduction to Group Projects (1 hour):
      1. Learn about collaborative project development and teamwork.
      2. Brainstorming session: Explore exciting project themes related to AI.
    Week 2

    Powering Projects with AI Concepts (5 hours total):

    Day 3 (Saturday) (2.5 hours):

    • Machine Learning for Projects (1.5 hours):
      1. Uncover the basics of Machine Learning and its role in AI projects.
      2. Explore different types of Machine Learning.
    • Interactive Activity (1 hour):
      1. Play with engaging demos to experience Machine Learning concepts firsthand.

    Day 4 (Sunday) (2.5 hours):

    • Group Project Deep Dive (1.5 hours):
      1. Learn valuable techniques for developing your group AI project.
      2. Define project goals and functionalities.
    • Hands-on Activity (1 hour):
      1. Start working on your group project using the acquired skills.
    Week 3

    Designing & Building Your Group Project (5 hours total):

    Day 5 (Saturday) (2.5 hours):

    • Project Design & Planning (1.5 hours):
      1. Focus on user experience and interface considerations for your project.
      2. Create detailed project plans and diagrams.
    • Group Brainstorming & Collaboration (1 hour):
      1. Refine your project ideas and functionalities through teamwork.

    Day 6 (Sunday) (2.5 hours):

    • Advanced Programming Techniques (1.5 hours):
      1. Learn advanced programming concepts to enhance your project.
    • Hands-on Activity (1 hour):
      1. Apply your skills and teamwork to build your project functionalities.
    Week 4

    Testing, Presenting & Showcasing Your Work (5 hours total):

    Day 7 (Saturday) (2.5 hours):

    • Project Testing & Debugging (2.5 hours):
      1. Learn how to test your project thoroughly and identify any issues.
      2. Collaborate to fix any bugs and ensure your project functions as intended.

    Day 8 (Sunday) (2.5 hours):

    • Project Presentations & Showcase (2.5 hours):
      1. Present your completed group project to the class and instructors.
      2. Receive valuable feedback and celebrate your accomplishments!

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